193 research outputs found

    Porta enxertos para ameixeira.

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    Este capítulo tem o objetivo de compilar resultados de pesquisas e informações técnicas de alguns dos principais países produtores no que diz respeito ao comportamento de porta-enxertos indicados para a cultura da ameixeira

    Modelo de acúmulo de carboidratos como ferramenta para o raleio químico pqra macieira.

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    O raleio químico tem sido amplamente adotado nas regiões .?.? brasileiras produtoras de maçã. Tem se observado, em alguns anos, efeito variável dos raleantes químicos, o que acaba resultando em carga excessiva de frutos ou sobre raleio. Até pouco tempo se supunha que este efeito estava relacionado aos próprios produtos utilizados no raleio, porém os contatos mantidos com a Universidade de Comell na pessoa do Dr. Terence Lee Robinson tem nos levado para uma nova direção de raciocínio: a resposta aos raleantes químicos tem relação com o acúmulo de carboidratos nas macieiras no período que antecede o raleio e as temperaturas máximas e mínimas pós raleio que nos darão um melhor ou pior funcionamento dos mesmos.bitstream/item/200812/1/13375-2011-p.12.pd

    Increasing the length of EM-9 interstock enhances production efficiency in Imperial Gala apples.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different lengths of EM-9 interstock, on the production and fruit characteristics of Imperial Gala apples more than eight years old. This experiment was conducted in a commercial orchard located in Vacaria-RS, Brazil, situated at an altitude of 955 m , during seasons 2005/06, 2007/08, 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13. The treatments consisted of five lengths of EM-9 interstock (10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 cm) connecting the Marubakaido rootstock to the Imperial Gala scion. For production efficiency a positive correlation between increased efficiency and the length of interstock was observed. Likewise a positive correlation was also noted for quality parameters of the fruit; firmness and classification (Category 1). From this study we conclude that a EM-9 interstock of 30 cm on Marubakaido rootstock is the most suitable for the vigor control of Imperial Gala apples, it ensures greater production efficiency and firmer fruit

    Crescimento vegetativo, floração e frutificação efetiva do pessegueiro 'Jubileu' submetido a diferentes comprimentos de interenxertos.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do uso de interenxertos, com diferentes comprimentos, sobre o vigor de plantas de pessegueiro da cultivar Jubileu. Foram utilizados interenxertos da cultivar de baixo vigor, Granada, com 5, 10, 15 e 20 cm de comprimento. Avaliaram-se o crescimento vegetativo, a floração e a frutificação efetiva das plantas. O experimento foi conduzido em Pelotas, RS, de março de 2007 a dezembro de 2008. O crescimento vegetativo do pessegueiro 'Jubileu' está diretamente relacionado ao comprimento do interenxerto. O aumento do comprimento do interenxerto antecipa o início da floração e da plena floração. A redução do vigor, induzida por interenxertos de maior comprimento, promove aumento na diferenciação floral. O interenxerto com 20 cm intensifica a redução do vigor, mas aumenta a mortalidade das plantas. Portanto, os interenxertos com 10 e 15 cm de comprimento são os mais adequados para o adensamento de pomares

    Diagnóstico da área cultivada com uva fina de mesa (Vitis vinifera L.) sob cobertura plástica e do manejo de pragas.

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    Neste trabalho, foi realizado o censo das áreas cultivadas com uvas finas de mesa sob cultivo protegido e a identificação das principais espécies de pragas e estratégias de controle empregadas pelos produtores, no município de Caxias do Sul-RS. Na safra de 2007/2008, foram identificados os produtores envolvidos com a atividade no município e através de entrevista presencial e semiestruturada ao estabelecimento produtivo, registrou-se a área cultivada e variedades. Para produtores com cultivo de áreas superiores a 2.000m2 da cultivar Itália, com dois anos ou mais de produção, foi aplicado outro questionário na safra de 2008/2009 com o objetivo de levantar as informações referentes: a) espécies de insetos e ácarospraga que danificam as uvas finas de mesa na propriedade, segundo o viticultor; b) conhecer a realidade do manejo de insetos e ácaros-praga na cultura; c) verificar os parâmetros que o produtor utiliza para a aplicação de inseticidas; d) conhecer os produtos aplicados, e e) identificar o tipo de assistência técnica recebida pelo viticultor. Foram identificados 43 produtores de uvas finas de mesa sob cultivo protegido com área total cultivada de 30,36 ha, sendo 70,31% desta área da cultivar Itália. As pragas mais importantes mencionadas pelos produtores foram tripes - Frankliniella rodeos Moulton e a mosca-das-frutas-sul-americana Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied). O manejo realizado para controle destas pragas é através da aplicação de inseticidas com os ingredientes ativos acefato e fentiona, respectivamente, com base em calendário. Os principais problemas enfrentados para implementar estratégias de manejo de pragas no cultivo são a falta de assistência técnica, a ausência de metodologias confiáveis para o monitoramento e o reduzido número de inseticidas autorizados para a cultura

    Maturation behavior of Maxi Gala grafetd on two rootstocks by no Destructive Method.

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    The evaluation of the maturation in apple orchards is checked using destructive methods, sampling fruits and analyzing them in the laboratory, making the process slow and expensive. The use of not destructive method to determine fruit maturation in the orchard could accelerate delivery of results and help in determining harvest time, because non-destructive data would allow to verify the maturation on different blocks in the orchard. The aim of this work was to chart fruit maturation in 'Maxi Gala' grafted on two different rootstocks, using destructive and not destructive methods. The non-destructive method used was the portable DA-Meter. The trial was realized at Vacaria, southern Brazillocated 28,44 S and 50,85 W. The samples were harvested on two orchards during the seasons 2014/15 and 2015/16, during six weeks before harvest from January until the second week of February. The sampling was realized in five different points of the orchard, on rootstocks M.9 or Marubakaido with M.9 interstem. Ten-apple samples were collected weekly in each point in the orchard and then evaluated by destructive method (flesh firmness, starch degradation, total soluble solids and acidity) and the not destructive method (DA-Meter). For both seasons, the evolution of the fruit maturation of Maxi Gala showed a similar progression for both rootstocks. The non-destructive method correlated well with the traditional destructive methods, making it a tool for more practical and easy determination of the harvest date

    Evaluation of the productive and vegetative aspects of the cultivar 'Imperial Gala' apple tree with EM-9 interstem in different lengths.

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    The obtaining of a compact plant, with less vigor and high productivity, equivalent to a conventional plant, constitutes a strong tendency in the current horticulture, aiming at a raising of the fruit production at the same planted area. One of the techniques that have had success nowadays is the interstem use. This study was developed in a commercial orchard of Randon Agro Silvo Pastoril S.A. (RASIP), located in the Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the vegetative and productive development of apple trees of 'Imperial Gala' with different lengths of EM-9 interstem. The treatments consisted of five interstem lengths: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 cm. In the seventh year of implantation the following parameters were evaluated: the height of the plant, the diameter of the 'Imperial Gala' 5 cm above the second graft point, the volume of the tree-head (height, width and length), the number of bud per branch, and the number of fruits per lineal centimeter of branch. Through this study it could be concluded that the greater interstem (30 cm) presented better indices with relation of vigor control. However, the number of fruits per lineal centimeter of branch with the interstem of 10 cm offered only significant superiority, when compared with the interstem of 30 cm. Using interstem technique allows to gather the benefits of the rootstock 'Marubakaido' and to control excessive vigour with the interstem EM-9.Trabalho apresentado no VIII International Symposium on Temperate Zone Fruits in the Tropics and Subtropics, Florianópolis, 2007

    Productivity and quality of 'Fuji Suprema' apple fruit in different rootstocks and growing conditions.

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    Planting density increasing with the use of dwarf rootstocks it is a fact that has changed the scenario of the pome culture in Brazil. The objective of this work was to evaluate the plant growth, productivity and fruit quality of the Fuji Suprema cultivar grafted on the rootstocks G.213 and M.9 in a new area (virgin soil) and in the replanting area of apple trees in Vacaria City in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The cultivar Fuji Suprema grafted on the rootstocks G.213 and M.9 was used, being the experiment 1 in new area and the experiment 2 in area of replanting of apple trees. In both experiments, the orchard was implanted in 2014. The spacing adopted was 4.0 m between rows and 0.9 m between plants, totaling a density of 2,777 plants per hectare. Vegetative/productive evaluations were carried out in the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 harvests in commercial orchards of the company Rasip Agro Pastoril S/A. In the experiment 1, the G.213 rootstock was highlighted for the variables accumulated productivity, accumulated productive efficiency, ASTT, number of branches and scion volume. In this same experiment, the M.9 rootstock was overestimated in some crops for the variables fruit mass and pulp firmness. In the experiment 2, the G.213 rootstock was highlighted as to the accumulated productivity, accumulated productive efficiency, ASTT, number of branches and scion volume. In the 2016 crop, the rootstock M.9, stood out for the diameter and mass of fruits and soluble solids and in the 2017 harvest for pulp firmness. In order to cultivate Fuji Suprema, both in the new area and in the replanting area of apple trees, the G.213 rootstock is a new dwarf rootstock option for the southern region of Brazil